
Three design tips to level-up your deck

This is Second Opinion, created by your friends Deck Doctors and Hustle Fund VC, where we give honest, tactical feedback to founders about their pitch decks.

Real talk

Here's the thing about the Deck Doctors, y'all. They are really, really good at design.

In this episode, the Docs drop 3 big design tips. These strategies are useful to anyone building any type of presentation. Ready? Video here.👇

Too Long; Didn't Watch:

  • Invert background color to add visual transitions and punctuate the presentation.
  • Use layout variations to add visual rhythm to the pitch and better suit slide content.
  • Balance information density to keep readers engaged.

Reminder of how this works

Here's how this whole Second Opinion thing works: founders submit their decks to be reviewed by filling out this form.

The Deck Doctors review the deck, then record a video with tactical suggestions on how to improve it. Our aim: to help founders land more meetings with investors.

There is no money exchanged, no favoritism, and no judgments.

Who are the Deck Doctors?

The Deck Doctors are a small but mighty team of strategists, storytellers, designers, investors, entrepreneurs, and startup nerds who have cracked the code on pitch decks.

They've helped over 100 startups build winning pitch decks by transforming hideous and incoherent decks into works of art. Get in touch with them here.

Who is Hustle Fund?

Hustle Fund is a pre-seed venture capital fund that believes great founders can look like anyone and come from anywhere. We've invested in over 500 startups across a wide variety of industries.