complicated concepts

Commoditization makes us all the same—how can you stand out?

In a world increasingly driven by the forces of commoditization, everything from money to knowledge to technology is becoming more accessible and interchangeable. This shift presents both opportunities and challenges, fundamentally altering what it means to succeed in the modern age.

The good side of commoditization

Commoditization isn't a new phenomenon, but its scope is expanding rapidly. Money has always been a commodity—fungible and universal in its application. What matters isn't where you get your money, but how you use it. This principle is now extending into other areas, particularly knowledge and skills. The internet has democratized learning, offering everyone the same access to information regardless of their background or resources. Education is no longer confined to a privileged few.

Beyond learning, the argument has traditionally been that while knowledge is accessible, the ability to execute—true skill—remains limited. However, with the rise of technology, this barrier is also crumbling. AI, for instance, is turning people into creators in ways they never imagined. I never would have imagined myself being a cartoonist because I have zero artistic talent. But with the power of AI, I can now have that skill.

This transformation suggests that technology itself is becoming a commodity, empowering individuals to develop skills they previously thought unattainable.

The dark side: a crisis of identity

But if everyone can have all the knowledge and skills in the world, what then sets us apart? Whether you’re a fund manager, a founder, or any other kind of skilled worker who has relied on your expertise or talents to distinguish yourself, this is a looming crisis. In a future where skills and knowledge are universally accessible, what becomes of the individual identity and value that you, your fund, or your startup bring to the table?

The answer lies in something less tangible but increasingly critical: brand and community. In a commoditized world, brand becomes the primary differentiator. It’s no longer about what you know or what you can do—it's about who you are, what you stand for, and the community that rallies around you.

The new era of brand and community

As skills and knowledge become commodities, the importance of brand will only grow. Brand encompasses everything from the way you dress to the way you speak, the values you uphold, and the community you build around these values. It’s about cultivating a persona and a following that resonate with others on a deeper, more personal level.

For individuals and companies alike, the future hinges on the strength of their brand and the loyalty of their community. Those who fail to recognize this shift may find themselves lost in a sea of commoditization, their once-valuable skills and knowledge no longer enough to sustain them.

As we move forward, the true currency of success will be authenticity, connection, and the ability to inspire and engage a dedicated community.

This new paradigm shift challenges us all to rethink what we focus on, pushing us to invest not just in acquiring knowledge or honing skills, but in cultivating a strong, resonant brand and a loyal, supportive community.

The future belongs to those who can navigate this new landscape, leveraging the power of commoditization to amplify their unique identity and build meaningful connections.

Happy self-reflection!


This article was written by Elizabeth Yin, our Co-Founder, General Partner, and lead hippo enthusiast at Hustle Fund.